Current events and articles about the community we serve
Traditions Café and World Folk Art has been serving the Art and Soul of Olympia since 1996
This site is about community – from our friends here in Olympia to the wider community of the world. Here you’ll find useful information, upcoming events, stories and connections to others.
Traditions is a community center for wholesome food, concerts, workshops, and public forums; a gathering place for a community of interesting and involved people.
We are continually working to better serve our community and share the narratives of marginalized communities both here and around the world.
We are committed to carrying products that partner with low-income artisans and farmers to provide them an equitable, fair access to markets.
As a fair trade store we support Indigenous communities, cultural survival, Eco-Projects, Women’s empowerment, and Economic Opportunity through fair, equitable and direct trade relationships.